web dev project
social media app that allows you to connect with people around the world. You can post pictures, like and comment on other people's posts, and follow other users. You can also search for users by their username.
mplementing the messaging feature in the app proved to be complex and challenging. The process involved understanding the intricate flow of messages, devising a method to store them securely in the database, and establishing an efficient way to retrieve and display them later. This multifaceted task demanded a deep understanding of data flow, database management, and real-time communication protocols, making the implementation process both intricate and demanding.
Ensuring a fully responsive design that mimics Instagram’s fluid layout was tricky, requiring a deep understanding of Tailwind CSS’s utility classes and custom configurations for various screen sizes.
Working with Socket.io in NestJS helped me gain a deep understanding of how WebSockets function, especially in implementing real-time message delivery.
Building a complex UI with Tailwind CSS not only improved my front-end skills but also taught me how to create scalable, maintainable design systems using utility-first CSS frameworks.